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Junior School Entry Process

Junior School Entry Process

We are delighted that you are thinking of sending your son or daughter to King Edward’s Junior School and warmly invite you to tour the school with your family. During your visit you will have the opportunity to meet our Acting Head, Mr Mike Horrocks-Taylor, and explore our wonderful, purpose-built school in the company of two enthusiastic Year 6 guides.

We are currently accepting applications for Junior School entry in September 2024 with assessments taking place at King Edward's on Thursday 19th March.

If you have any further questions about the process or would like to enquire about in-year entry, please contact the Admissions team at [email protected] or telephone 01225 820399.


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Entry Process For Year 3 (Key Entry Point) Entry Process For Year 3 (Key Entry Point)

When children come to the school for the Assessment Morning it is often their first experience of being assessed.  The staff are very aware of this and will do all they can to make the morning a positive experience.  All entrants are grouped according to the month of their birthday and some of the papers are standardised to take account of the difference between the achievements of those with autumn birthdays and those with a birthday in the summer term.  They will have a break for a drink and biscuit away from the classroom and the chance to get some fresh air.

During the morning they will be taken through three different subject areas.  English, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning.  The English and Maths papers last approximately 50 minutes, with an additional 30 minutes for the writing paper.  The Non-Verbal Reasoning paper is picture based and will take approximately 40 minutes to complete. 

Every effort is made to ensure that each child understands what is expected of them and that they give an accurate picture of their abilities.


The English assessment includes a paper which tests the children’s comprehension skills in both fiction and non-fiction, as well as their awareness of a range of textual features. This is a based on the New National Curriculum expectations, so will reflect the work your child has already been doing at their current school.

The children will also be asked to complete a piece of writing based upon one of the texts in the comprehension paper. Marks will be awarded for both content and accuracy. 


This tests the children in the objectives outlined in the New National Curriculum.  

The assessment tests the following:

Simple addition and subtraction

Naming 2-D and 3-D shapes

Two, three and five ‘times tables’

Simple fractions, understanding ½ s and ¼ s

Understanding of place value, (tens and units)

Money (eg John has 5p and Mary has 7p more. How much has Mary?)

Understanding of number order (1st, 2nd, 3rd etc)

Time, ability to read the clock at the o’clock, half past, quarter past and quarter to the hour

Understanding of number words

Odd/even numbers

Number sequences (eg 9, 10, 11, 12: write the next three numbers)

Data handling – reading simple graphs, charts, tables and sorting diagrams

Measuring – concepts of ‘longer’ and ‘shorter’, ‘heavier’ and ‘lighter’

Rotation of simple shapes


This is a picture/diagram based reasoning test, designed to assess innate ability and not developed ability.  This provides an opportunity to highlight children whose potential has yet to be tapped.

We would expect children not to have encountered this before and we do not advocate practice in this area.


Following assessment, applicants and their families are invited for interview with the Head of the Junior School prior to offers being made.

Entry Process For Year 4 Entry Process For Year 4

When children come to the school for the Assessment Morning it is often their first experience of being assessed. The staff are very aware of this and will do all they can to make the morning a positive experience.  All entrants for Year 4 work in one group together and most of the papers are standardised to take account of the difference between the achievements of those with autumn birthdays and those with a birthday in the summer term. They will have a break for a drink and biscuit away from the classroom and the chance to get some fresh air.

During the morning they will be taken through three different subject areas: English, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The English and Maths papers last approximately 50 minutes, with an additional 30 minutes for the writing paper. The Non-Verbal Reasoning paper is picture based and will take approximately 40 minutes to complete.

Every effort is made to ensure that each child understands what is expected of them and that they give an accurate picture of their abilities.


The English assessment includes a paper which tests the children’s comprehension skills in both fiction and non-fiction, as well as their awareness of a range of textual features. This is a based on the New National Curriculum expectations, so will reflect the work your child has already been doing at their current school.

The children will also be asked to complete a piece of writing based upon one of the texts in the comprehension paper. Marks will be awarded for both content and accuracy. 


This tests the children in the objectives outlined in the New National Curriculum.  Children will be tested on the learning objectives for their current year group.

This tests knowledge of:

Extracting information from charts, graphs, tables and sorting diagrams

Place value and +, -, x, ¸ up to 999.

Simple problem questions involving +, -, x, 

Telling the time

Change from money

Times tables up to 12

Compass direction: clockwise and anti-clockwise, right angles

Use of metric measures

Names of basic 3-dimensional shapes

Line of symmetry

Negative numbers to 10

Odd and even numbers

Simple number sequences, ordering from smallest to largest

Simple fractions



This is a picture/diagram based reasoning test, designed to assess innate ability and not developed ability.  This provides an opportunity to highlight children whose potential has yet to be tapped.

We would expect children not to have encountered this before and we do not advocate practice in this area.

Your child should bring a pencil case with suitable writing implements as well as a book they can read if they finish a test before the other children in their group.


Following assessment applicants and their families are invited in for interview with the Head of the Junior School prior to offers being made.

Entry Process For Year 5 (Key Entry Point) Entry Process For Year 5 (Key Entry Point)

When children come to the school for the Assessment Morning it is often their first experience of being assessed. The staff are very aware of this and will do all they can to make the morning a positive experience.  All entrants for Year 5 work in one room together and most of the papers are standardised to take account of the difference between the achievements of those with autumn birthdays and those with a birthday in the summer term. They will have a break for a drink and biscuit away from the classroom and the chance to get some fresh air.

During the morning they will be taken through three different subject areas: English, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The English and Maths papers last approximately 50 minutes, with an additional 30 minutes for the writing paper. The Non-Verbal Reasoning paper is picture based and will take approximately 40 minutes to complete. 

Every effort is made to ensure that each child understands what is expected of them and that they give an accurate picture of their abilities.


The English assessment includes a paper which tests the children’s comprehension skills in both fiction and non-fiction, as well as their awareness of a range of textual features. This is a based on the New National Curriculum expectations, so will reflect the work your child has already been doing at their current school.

The children will also be asked to complete a piece of writing based upon one of the texts in the comprehension paper. Marks will be awarded for both content and accuracy. 


This tests the children in the objectives outlined in the New National Curriculum.  Children will be tested on the learning objectives for their current year group.

Reading simple graphs, charts, tables and sorting diagrams

Use of metric measures of length, weight and capacity

Number sequences: find the next number in this sequence, find the missing number in this sequence

Areas of simple shapes

+, -, ÷ and x of whole numbers

Telling the time

Odd and even numbers

Problems involving time and the calendar

Simple fractions

2-D shapes and their properties: right angles

Simple problems in words

Money problems


Approximations and rounding

Line symmetry




This is a picture/diagram based reasoning test, designed to assess innate ability and not developed ability.  This provides an opportunity to highlight children whose potential has yet to be tapped.

We would expect children not to have encountered this before and we do not advocate practice in this area.

Your child should bring a pencil case with suitable writing implements as well as a book they can read if they finish a test before the other children in their group.


Following assessment applicants and their families are invited for interview with the Head of the Junior School prior to offers being made.

Entry Process For Year 6 Entry Process For Year 6

On the morning of the assessment the member of staff will explain carefully what is expected at each stage and children are free to ask questions.  There will be a break for a drink and biscuit away from the classroom and the chance to get some fresh air.

The results achieved by a child taking the Year 6 Assessment are looked at very carefully.  Before offering a place, the Head of the Junior School has to be confident that the child would be able to meet the requirements of the Senior School Entrance Examination which all Year 6 children take at the beginning of the Spring Term.

During the morning they will be taken through three different subject areas: English, Maths and Non-Verbal Reasoning. The English and Maths papers last approximately 50 minutes, with an additional 30 minutes for the writing paper. The Non-Verbal Reasoning paper is picture based and will take approximately 40 minutes to complete. 

Every effort is made to ensure that each child understands what is expected of them and that they give an accurate picture of their abilities.

Pupils looking to join Year 6 are assessed in the following areas:


The English assessment includes a paper which tests the children’s comprehension skills in both fiction and non-fiction, as well as their awareness of a range of textual features. This is a based on the New National Curriculum expectations, so will reflect the work your child has already been doing at their current school.

The children will also be asked to complete a piece of writing based upon one of the texts in the comprehension paper. Marks will be awarded for both content and accuracy. 


This tests the children in the objectives outlined in the New National Curriculum.  Children will be tested on the learning objectives for their current year group.

This tests knowledge of the following:

Reading simple graphs, tables, sorting diagrams and charts, including pie charts

Problems involving money, time, weight, length and capacity

Measuring angles in degrees; angle types, eg acute, obtuse, reflex, right angle

Averages (simple mean)



Place value (thousands, hundreds, tens and units)

Compass directions

Multiples, factors and square numbers



+, -, ÷ and x of whole numbers

2-D shapes and their properties

Properties of, and language associated with, the circle

Simple fractions


Number sequences and patterns


Use of a calculator




This is a picture/diagram based reasoning test, designed to assess innate ability and not developed ability.  This provides an opportunity to highlight children whose potential has yet to be tapped.

We would expect children not to have encountered this before and we do not advocate practice in this area.

Your child should bring a pencil case with suitable writing implements as well as a book they can read if they finish a test before the other children in their group.


Following assessment applicants and their families are invited in for interview with our Head prior to offers being made.

Junior School Hours Junior School Hours

Our normal hours are from 8.35am to 4.00pm Monday to Friday.

Children may arrive at the Junior School from 8.00am onwards. From 8.00am to 8.15am children stay in the library. From 8.15am until registration at 8.35am they are allowed outside for supervised play. 

At the end of the day children may be met at the Junior School or at the middle entrance, where a school crossing patrol is in place to allow children to reach their parents on the other side of North Road in safety.

An after school club is available from 4.00pm to 6.00pm, during which children are supervised and encouraged to complete any homework that they have. There is a charge of £2 per half hour session.

Many other activities and clubs take place after school, with most finishing at 5.00pm or 5.30pm. Pupils will also sometimes be asked to stay for team practices or rehearsals.

A member of staff will check at the main entrance at 4.30pm to ensure that all children have been met. Any remaining pupils will be brought back to the Junior School and booked into the after school club.

A typical day is as follows:

8.45Period 1
9.50Period 2
11.10Break time
11.35Period 3
12.35Lunch time
1.55Period 4
3.00Period 5
4.00End of school day


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