

  • Works Starts on a New Academic and Pastoral Building

    The new Academic & Pastoral Building has been designed by local architects, Mitchell Eley Gould, and is a three-storey building accommodating 14 classrooms with associated pastoral spaces, offices and toilets.

  • Spotlight on the Peer Mentoring Programme at KES

    The Peer Mentoring Programme at KES aims to forge connections across year groups and to foster a sense of community at King Edward’s. We also understand that pupils often feel more able to chat freely with those of a similar age.

  • University Offers 2024

    Year 13 pupils at KES are celebrating an impressive range of offers from leading UK and international universities this year, as the 2024 application process draws to a close.

  • Careers News in the summer term

    This has been another busy term for the Careers programme at KES, with Year 7 undertaking their first Careers Day, which had a focus on Careers in Science. 

  • Latest News

    Read about our latest news and adventures across the School.

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