Learning at KES

Start Your Adventure


Small class sizes provide excellent adult to pupil ratios, ensuring that learning is personalised and meets each child’s individual needs through programmes of carefully designed support and challenge. 

Research shows that effective, high-quality experiences in the early years have a significant and positive impact on children’s development, their progress through school and on into adult life. Our highly qualified, experienced and dedicated staff are committed to giving each child in our care the very best start. 

We use a range of techniques, including whole-class and structured group work, guided learning and individual activities. The learning throughout the Nursery and Pre-Prep really is irresistible!

We nurture inquiring minds by encouraging the children to ask questions, make connections and to explore the world around them through hands-on-learning experiences. Class trips and visiting experts join us throughout the academic year, enhancing the atmosphere of inquiry.

Pre Prep

Family Focused

We encourage a strong and positive parental involvement in the children’s development and learning through a series of family-oriented events and celebrations. We have developed a programme of curriculum mornings and top tip evenings which bring parents, children and staff together to help inform parents about how they can best support their children’s learning at home. 

We really value the wealth of support and expertise that our parent body brings. This includes our team of dedicated parent class reps, as well as those who come into school to assist on trips and to share their time and knowledge on topics as diverse as cooking, sport, religious celebrations and different cultural perspectives.

Our broad, creative and balanced curriculum develops knowledge and  a valuable range of skills and allows every child to discover and pursue their own interests and passions. 


A Love of Reading

We believe that developing a love of reading is essential. Reading is the gateway to learning. Our rigorous, systematic synthetic phonic programme begins in the Nursery with pre-reading skills and runs progressively through the Pre-Prep. We work hard to ensure that every child can read fluently with comprehension and enjoyment. 

Our library offers a large range of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books for the children to take home and share with their family.

In Text Image,pre-prep



Inquisitive Minds

We strongly believe that the best teacher is a truly interested adult and the best friend is a playmate to share and have fun with. We also recognise that technology can provide a rich learning tool for our pupils. Children love its “magical” qualities, where things can happen at the touch of a button. Every classroom has a smart touch screen, and every year group has access to a bank of iPads and to programmable toys to aid their learning.

We encourage children to explore their creativity, imagination and self-expression. We give each pupil the time and space to explore a range of materials and media, and specialist music and art sessions ignite a passion within the children for artistic expression in all its forms. 

Physical development is a vital strand of our curriculum, and we encourage the children to develop the knowledge, skills and confidence to lead an active and healthy life from a very young age. 

Specialist teaching in gymnastics, games, music, forest school and art all help to enhance our provision.


learning support

With inclusivity at the heart of the Pre-Prep, we value the individuality of all children in our setting. We are keenly aware that many children will need some additional support at some point in their learning journey to meet educational, social or emotional needs. Addressing individual needs early is the key to improving outcomes for children, so we strive to provide a clear pathway of tailored support that can be accessed right from the start of a child’s schooling.

We strongly believe that the child’s voice is an essential part of Learning Support, and so we work closely with children and their parents to understand strengths and vulnerabilities and to make sure that they all feel safe and secure in the process.

Effective communication with all teaching staff is essential to ensure that we have the best programme of study and support in place for each child. We provide timely and carefully structured support where necessary, with experienced staff working with small groups and individuals in and out of the classroom to provide tailored support under the guidance of the Pre-Prep SENCo.

We also work with outside agencies, including educational psychologists, speech and language therapists and occupational therapists, when further assessment or intervention is required.

At all stages of this journey, we take a child-centred approach, recognising that individual needs, wishes and well-being are paramount.



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