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GCSE PE Pupils Visit the University of Bath

GCSE PE Pupils Visit the University of Bath
Sports Academic

40 of our Year 10 and 11 GCSE PE pupils enjoyed an Elite Training Day at the University of Bath earlier this term. It was a great opportunity for them to have a more in-depth view of the amazing facilities on offer, so close to home. The day started with a Strength and Conditioning session, where pupils were taken through a ‘fundamental movement’ programme. This was followed by ‘group field-based testing’, which provided an overview and application in sport of the following fitness components: speed (infra-red timing gates), strength (dynamometer), leg power (vertical jump mat) and flexibility (sit and reach test). The final session before lunch was held in the laboratory. Three volunteers undertook a treadmill based VO2 max assessment of maximal O2 consumption, working to exhaustion. There was also the opportunity to test aerobic power on a cycle ergometer, 6-seconds of maximal effort. After a very busy morning, lunch gave some welcome respite before an equally busy afternoon. 

This began with a lecture about preparing athletes for peak performance through nutrition. This gave pupils the chance to think about how to fuel their bodies to maximise their potential. The highlight of the day was observing the 3-minute submersion in an ice bath! Once the screams had passed, pupils were able to focus their breathing and gain practical experience of the benefits of this recovery method. The day concluded with a Q&A session with GB U19 rower, Phoebe Hayden. She gave us a great insight into her student life as an elite athlete, how her journey began and future aspirations.

A huge thank you to the University of Bath for hosting such an informative and interactive day.

Mrs L Gwilliam
Head of Academic PE

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GCSE PE Pupils Visit the University of Bath